A Friend in Me is here to provide hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel and that no one must struggle alone. You are not alone.
A Friend in Me (AFIM) is opening the door for better and more intentional conversations within your circle, community, and strangers. You never know what someone is going through, and we are here to encourage all of you to approach people with this mindset. Together we will look out for our neighbor. We are proactive in our relationships, not reactive. We are kind, empathetic, and treat every individual we meet the love and respect they deserve.
A Friend in Me will serve as the frontlines in bringing mental health and suicide awareness to our communities. We will bring awareness through public events that showcase speakers touching on many mental health topics. Our events will be raw and inspiring. We are NOT professionals; however, we know professionals and can point people in the right direction to get professional help.
We are an incorporated non-profit in the State of Georgia and our official name is afriendinme23. We have filed our 501c3 application and are awaiting 501c3 approval to become a tax-deductible non-profit.